
Up is a programming language with Python like syntax, static typing and transpiled in C.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Up is a programming language with Python like syntax, static typing and is transpiled in C.

Up syntax

More details in this file

# This is an inline comment

# Import up modules (import the file ./mymodule.up)
use mymodule

# Wrapper to import libc c headers
use libc

# Create a variable with type int
int a = 42

# Create a variable with automatically deduced type (num here)
$b = 38.2

# Some operations
a += 8

# Condition
a > 0 ?
    # Function call

# Else if
or a == b ?

# Else

# Loops
for i to 618
for i=3 to 8
for i=10 to 1

# yes means true
while yes

# Functions
int myFunc(int a, int b)
    ret 42

# C compatibility
# cdef declares an extern C function
cdef num cosf(num)

    // This code is in the global scope
    int myNb = 128;

# Objects
# To declare objects, see syntax.md
$o = MyObject(618)


Up targets linux platforms, some programs are required to compile Up :

  • make
  • gcc
  • g++
  • flex
  • bison


There are two processes : Parsing and compiling. Parsing serves to understand program semantics, it creates components. Compiling is used to gather all those components in one string, the program.


We use bison and flex to parse, flex is used to tokenize the text and bison to analyze semantics. The class Scanner handle this process.


To compile multiple components are used :

  • Variable : Has a type and an identifier


To compile a file :

# Display to stdout the C code
up <entry.up>
# Transpile to C
up <entry.up> <out.c>
# Compile to Bin
up <entry.up> <out>

To run the test file located at test/main.up :

make test


Here is a small example :

# To have functions from stdio.h, stdlib.h and math.h
use libc

# $ means auto type
$a = 42

# num stands for floating point
num b = -618.32

# Booleans are set with yes or no
bool c = yes
$yesOrNo = no
$x = 'I am a string'

# Declare variable without initialization
$nil c

# Create function
nil func()
    a = b
    b = 3.14

# Operations
b = 8
a += --b

# Functions
printf('Result : %f\n', cosf(3.14))

Result :

// Code generated by the Up compiler

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"

void func() {
    a = b;
    b = 3.14f;

int main() {
    int a = 42;
    float b = -618.32f;
    uint8 c = true;
    uint8 yesOrNo = false;
    const char* x = "I am a string";
    void c;
    b = 8;
    a += --b;
    printf("Result : %f\n", cosf(3.14f));