
Collection of vant demos.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vant Demo

English | 简体中文

The current repository is the official example repository for Vant, which includes examples related to Vant, Vant Weapp, and Vant Cli.

How to Use

  1. First, clone the current repository to your local:
git clone git@github.com:vant-ui/vant-demo.git
  1. Then, choose the example you need, such as the Vite project example:
cd vant/vite
  1. Install the dependencies using npm or other package managers, and start the project:
npm i
npm run dev
  1. You can fork the current project or directly copy the code from the current project to use.

Directory Structure

├── vant                # Examples related to Vant
│   ├── vite            Building applications using Vue 3, Vant 4, and Vite
│   ├── nuxt3           Building applications using Nuxt 3 and Vant 4
│   ├── vue3            Building applications using Vue 3, Vant 4, and Vue Cli
│   ├── vue3-ts         Building applications using Vue 3, Vant 4, TypeScript, Vite
│   ├── cdn             Importing Vant through CDN
│   ├── rem             Configuring rem adaptation
│   ├── viewport        Configuring viewport settings
│   └── typescript      Configuring TypeScript and importing on demand
├── vant-weapp          # Examples related to Vant Weapp
│   └── base            Building mini-programs using Vant Weapp
├── react-vant          # Examples related to React Vant
│   └── modern-js       Building applications using React Vant, Modern.js, and Rspack
└── vant-cli            # Examples related to Vant Cli
    └── base            Building component libraries using Vant Cli