Comprehensive Minnesota Geographic Election Data

!Data disclaimer: Election results data downloaded from Minnesota Secretary of State and joined to precinct GIS shapefile. Additional analytical fields were added by Chris Cantey, MN LCC.

Description of fields:

Field Long Name Description
VTD Voting Tabulation District Voting district (VTD) is a generic term adopted by the Bureau of the Census to include the wide variety of small polling areas, such as election districts, precincts, or wards, that State and local governments create for the purpose of administering elections.
PCTNAME Precinct name
PCTCODE Precinct code
SHORTLABEL Precinct suffix
MCDNAME Minor Civil Division
CONGDIST Congressional District
MNSENDIST Minnesota Senate District
MNLEGDIST Minnesota Legislative District
USPRSR Republican Presidential Votes
USPRSDFL Democratic-Farm-Labor Presidential Votes
USPRSLIB Libertarian Presidential Votes
USPRSSWP Socialist Workers Party Presidential Votes
USPRSCP Communist Party Presidential Votes
USPRSADP ADP Presidential Votes
USPRSGP Green Party Presidential Votes
USPRSLMN Legalize Marijuana Party Presidential Votes
USPRSIP Independence Party Presidential Votes
USPRSWI Write-In Presidential Votes
USPRSTOTAL Total Presidential Votes
USREPIP Independence Party U.S. Representative Votes
USREPR Republican Party U.S. Representative Votes
USREPDFL Democratic-Farm-Labor Party U.S. Representative Votes
USREPLMN Legalize Marijuana Party U.S. Representative Votes
USREPWI Write-In U.S. Representative Votes
USREPTOTAL Total U.S. Representative Votes
MNSENIP Independence Party MN Senate Votes
MNSENR Republican Party MN Senate Votes
MNSENDFL Democratic-Farm-Labor Party MN Senate Votes
MNSENLIB Libertarian Party MN Senate Votes
MNSENLMN Legalize Marijuana Now Party MN Senate Votes
MNSENWI Write-In MN Senate Votes
MNSENTOTAL Total MN Senate Votes
MNLEGIPL Independence Party MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGR Republican Party MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGDFL Democratic-Farm-Labor Party MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGLIB Libertarian Party MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGGP Green Party MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGWI Write-In MN House of Representatives Votes
MNLEGTOTAL Total MN House of Representatives Votes
UNIT Geographic Unit vtd, cty, usrep, mnsen, mnleg
USPRSWIN Winning party for US President
MNSENWIN Winning party for MN Senate
MNLEGWIN Winning party for MN House