
A WhatsApp Clone powered by Solana

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A WhatsApp Clone which is powered by Solana

Allows the user to create a Group, send, view and delete messages in any group.

Currently supports only Phantom Wallet

Deployed on Devnet => https://solana-whatsapp.netlify.app

How to Run Locally

  • On LocalHost

    1. First, Make Sure you have Rust, anchor-cli, solana and yarn installed
    2. Run solana config set --url localhost to shift to work on localhost
    3. Make Sure you have a local keypair by running solana address in a terminal. If not then run solana-keygen new and follow the steps.
    4. Clone the repo and run yarn in the root directory as well as in app directory.
    5. Now build the program by running anchor build in a terminal.
    6. Start the local ledger by running solana-test-validator and deploy the program by running anchor deploy in another terminal.
    7. Run solana address -k target/deploy/clone_whatsapp-keypair.json to generate your program_id.
    8. Open Anchor.toml in the root directory and replace the address occurences in program.localnet and program.devnet fields with the address generated in the previous command
    9. Open programs/clone-whatsapp/src/lib and replace the address in declare_id macro as well with your program_id.
    10. Run anchor build and anchor deploy once more.
    11. Make sure you have Phantom wallet installed and running on localhost.
    12. In the root directory run anchor run copy-idl.
    13. Start your local ledger by running anchor localnet
    14. AirDrop some SOL to your phantom wallet by running solana airdrop 100 <YOUR-PHANTOM-WALLET-ADDRESS>.
    15. cd to the app subdirectory and run yarn serve.

  • On DevNet
    1. Run solana config set --url devnet to shift to work on devnet.
    2. In the root directory run anchor run copy-idl.
    3. Run solana airdrop 2 to fund your local wallet to deploy the program. Run the command once more if more funds are required to deploy the program.
    4. Fund your phantom wallet by running solana airdrop 2 <YOUR-PHANTOM-WALLET-ADDRESS>.
    5. cd to the app subdirectory and run yarn serve:devnet.





The avatars were taken from the DiceBear api =>

  1. adventurer
  2. identicon