
Compiled löve binaries for aarch64 (portmaster)


PortMaster - Löve Binaries

This repository provides compile instructions for each love2d version and some runtime notes

Löve 11.4

  • Built using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS aarch64 chroot
wget https://github.com/love2d/love/releases/download/11.4/love-11.4-linux-src.tar.gz
tar xf love-11.4-linux-src.tar.gz
cd love-11.4/
make -j12
strip src/.libs/liblove-11.4.so
copy src/.libs/liblove-11.4.so device/libs
copy src/.libs/love device/

Löve 0.10.2

  • Built using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS aarch64 chroot
wget https://github.com/love2d/love/releases/download/0.10.2/love-0.10.2-linux-src.tar.gz
tar xf love-0.10.2-linux-src.tar.gz
cd love-0.10.2
make -j12
strip src/.libs/liblove.so.0
copy src/.libs/lliblove.so.0 device/libs
copy src/.libs/love device/

Löve 0.9.2

  • Built using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS aarch64 chroot
  • Uses experimental love2d gles build
git clone https://github.com/Cebion/love_0.9.2_GLES.git
cd love_0.9.2_GLES
make CFLAGS="-Wno-format-overflow"

Requires the ENV variable LOVE_GRAPHICS_USE_OPENGLES=1 on launch

Löve 0.8

  • Built using Debian Stretch aarch64 chroot
  • Needs boot.lua fixes to set fullscreen in the love binary before compiling
wget https://github.com/love2d/love/archive/refs/tags/0.8.0.tar.gz
tar xf 0.8.0.tar.gz
cd love_0.8.0

Edit src/scripts/boot.lua


		screen = {
			width = 800,
			height = 600,
			fullscreen = false,
			vsync = true,
			fsaa = 0,


		screen = {
			width = 640,
			height = 480,
			fullscreen = true,
			vsync = true,
			fsaa = 0,


cd src/scripts/
lua auto.lua boot

Löve 0.7.2

  • Built using Debian Stretch aarch64 chroot
  • Needs boot.lua fixes to set fullscreen in the love binary before compiling
wget https://github.com/love2d/love/archive/refs/tags/0.8.0.tar.gz
tar xf 0.8.0.tar.gz
cd love_0.8.0

Edit src/scripts/boot.lua


		screen = {
			width = 800,
			height = 600,
			fullscreen = false,
			vsync = true,
			fsaa = 0,


		screen = {
			width = 640,
			height = 480,
			fullscreen = true,
			vsync = true,
			fsaa = 0,


cd src/scripts/
lua auto.lua boot

Notes about missing cursor in KMS/DRM

You can add a software cursor for that

KMS/DRM or FBDEV by default does not have a mouse cursor.

Because of that we have to create a software cursor for each game. It's a simple process

Download a cursor example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/medeirosT/adwaita-2bit-cusors/main/left_ptr.png and place it in the game directory root.

Edit the main.lua

  1. Edit the function love.load() and add -- Load your cursor image

cursorImage = love.graphics.newImage("left_ptr.png")

  1. Hide the system cursor in the love.load() function:


  1. Draw the custom cursor image in a new drawCursor function and call it at the end of the love.draw() function:
function drawCursor()
    local mouseX, mouseY = love.mouse.getPosition()
    love.graphics.draw(cursorImage, mouseX, mouseY)

function love.draw()
    -- Rest of the code

    -- Draw the custom cursor
  1. Add cursor scaling to love.update()
local xOffset = (love.graphics.getWidth() - simpleScale.getScale() * gw) / 2
 mx = (love.mouse.getX() - xOffset) / simpleScale.getScale()
 my = love.mouse.getY() / simpleScale.getScale()