This repository (R project) contains all scripts necessary to run the ecological/statistical analyses from the study "Flying insect biomass is negatively associated with urban cover in surrounding landscapes" (Svenningsen et al. 2022, DOI:
The data were collected in June 2018 as part of the citizen science project InsectMobile ("Insektmobilen") at the Natural History Museum of Denmark and at iDiv in Germany during June-July 2018.
- Data: data (e.g. the proportional land cover and land use data, flying insect biomass etc. for each buffer zone) used in the analyses is deposited in Dryad:
- reports: a step-wise list of scripts (01_, 02_ etc.) used for processing and analysing the data
- plots: figures generated by the scripts and other plots not used in the manuscript
Landscape-level effects on flying insect biomass was modelled with linear mixed-effects models at the buffer size with the most pronounced effect size.