Non-destructive DNA extraction and automated purification of complex arthropod samples

This repository (R project) contains all scripts necessary to run the ecological/statistical analyses from the study "Non-destructive DNA extraction and automated purification of complex arthropod samples" (Svenningsen et al.).

The data were collected in June 2018 as part of the citizen science project InsectMobilen ("Insektmobilen") at the Natural History Museum of Denmark.

Preparation of ASV tables and sequencing data

Description of the sub directories for the sequence data processing

  • raw-data: contains all the data used before sample matching for the statistical analysis, e.g. metadata from the laboratory, the DADA2/LULU output and the taxonomy.
  • cleaned-data: contains tables generated by the scripts used in the analysis
  • reports: a step-wise list of scripts (01_, 02_ etc.) used for processing and analysing the data
  • plots: figures generated by the scripts and other plots not used in the manuscript

Statistical analyses and modelling