This is the HA-Auto Node-RED integration package for HA-Auto users. It contains nodes for the Node-RED low code environment which can be used to set up and deploy Brokers, Entities and Automations. Make sure to also check out HA-Auto to set up the complete project.
After installing HA-Auto, you can install the Node-RED integration package from the Node-RED library, using npm or manually.
You can install the package from the Node-RED library by navigating to your Node-RED Menu and clicking on "Manage palette". In the "Install" tab search for "node-red-contrib-ha-auto" and install it.
Install the package via npm by navigating to your Node-RED installation directory using the command prompt and run:
npm install node-red-contrib-ha-auto --save
Open up the Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to your Node-RED installation directory (for local installations see here) and run:
npm install path/to/node-red-contrib-ha-auto
After installing the package and setting up the HA-Auto backend, you can start creating your Node-RED flows following these simple steps:
- Drag the Broker node onto the canvas and double click it to configure its settings.
- Use the Entity node to declare your environment's entities and connect the corresponding Broker node to each Entity input.
- Create automations using the Automation Node and connecting to the input all relevant Entities that are either in the Condition or the Actions of the Automation.
- Connect all Automation nodes to a single Launch node and configure the Launch node with the MQTT server used to communicate with HA-Auto.
- Add a Debug node after the Launch node to see the created Configuration script in the Node-RED debug panel.
- Hit Deploy!
You can find some pre-made examples in the examples directory.
The Node-RED nodes in this package contain thorough documentation which can be accessed through the Node-RED documentation panel.
Documentation can also be found in the wiki.
- examples: Contains a number of Node-RED examples on how to use the HA-Auto nodes.
- src: Each node has its own dedicated folder with its front end HTML component and its JS backend component.
- package.json: Contains the package metadata, dependencies and node declarations for Node-RED.
This project was created as part of Google Summer of Code 2021 with GFOSS as the mentor organization. More information can be found on the GSoC project page.