
📁 Send files from your computer to your Phone through WiFi with a QR code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


📁 Send files from your Computer to your Phone through WiFi with a QR code


This is a handy little python 3 program that allows you to send files or folders through your Local Area Network (inside your WiFi) by simply scanning a QR Code through your phone! The code is based off sdushantha's amazing work with some added stuff that I found useful plus compatibility with Windows aside from macOS and Linux.

Note that on Windows, the QR Code won't appear inside the powershell/cmd window but instead through an image viewer.



Just download and run the latest executable from the releases page above. Alternatively you can do it with the Python script:

  1. Install Python 3 if you don't have it.
  2. Open powershell and execute: pip install pyqrcode
  3. Download the qr-filetransfer-universal.py file from here
  4. Run it!

Linux / macOS:

# clone the repo
> git clone https://github.com/CedArctic/qr-filetransfer-universal.git

# install the requirements
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Just double click the .py file and drag and drop inside whatever you want to send! Alternatively you can also use the program this way through the command line:

qr-filetransfer-universal.py [-h] -f FILE

Note: Both devices needs to be connected to the same network


To exit the program, just press CTRL+C. Dont press CTRL+Z.

Transfer a single file

python3 qr-filetransfer-universal.py -f /path/to/file.txt

Transfer a full directory. Note: the directory gets zipped before being transferred

python3 qr-filetransfer-universal.py -f /path/to/directory/



MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 CedArctic