Gwent Memory Game

This unofficial fan art is a tribute to the great CD Projekt's «The Witcher»'s universe. It is NOT actually endorsed or promoted by CD Projectk.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Live page

Cloning the repository

git clone

Browse to the Memory-Game-v2 directory. If needed, move it somewhere else.

Using the App

How to use the Gwent Memory Game application.


The user first needs to select a faction, and press the Start button to deal the corresponding cards.

User Settings

The user can open the Settings menu either by pressing the Escape key, or clicking the cog icon in the top right corner of the page.

Note: The same Escape key will also close the modals. The cards are reset when closing it.

Available options

  • VFX: Let the user enable or disable the sounds.
  • Gameplay: Let the user choose if the timer is enabled. If so, they have 45 seconds to finish the game. Otherwise, the timer is disabled and only the moves will impact the final score.
  • Difficulty: In the Regular mode, the cards are displayed on click. In the «Hard» mode, the cards are displayed on comparison.

Keyboards shortcuts

Key Action
"Escape" Open the Settings menu. Close the opened modals. Mobile users can tap outside the modal area to close it.
"Space", "Enter" If the focus is on a card, flip it. If the focus is on a HUD element (Settings options...), check it.
↑ ← ↓ → Navigate through the cards on the board.
"S" Shuffle the cards.
"F" Opens the faction selector.


  • Vanilla JavaScript + ES6
  • Responsive design


  • Cédric F - Design and Dev - Profile


This project is not licensed.
