Hi there!  👋

My name is Orfey Kostadinov and I am a Full Stack Software Engineer,

with years of experience in many aspects of software development, such as data structure, architecture design, code structure and review, end-to-end application development, etc. I like functional programming, clean and resuable code and performance. I'm also pretty lazy, so I always look for the simplest possible solution. And by pretty lazy I mean this kind of lazy.


Some Stats

As well as..

My languages stats:

Total Time: 3,724 hrs 49 mins

TypeScript        2,006 hrs 55 mins>>>>>>>>>>>>>------------   53.77 %
JavaScript        965 hrs         >>>>>>-------------------   25.86 %
HTML              173 hrs 47 mins >------------------------   04.66 %
SCSS              161 hrs 29 mins >------------------------   04.33 %
CSS               153 hrs 48 mins >------------------------   04.12 %

My Work:

Psst, first 2 links are on a free dyno (if no one touched them for a while, initial loading of API is slow... half a minute maybe minute. Have little patience, wont you?

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on:

React Native (Expo) android/ios app + nest JS back-end and a React/Express Healthcare Data Analysis app.