
This role can be used to install Jenkins 2.

Primary LanguageShell

Jenkins 2

This role can be used to install Jenkins 2

Build Status


  • Ansible 2.x
  • JVM

Role Variables

## Type: list of string
# Plugins that you would like to be installed.
jenkins2_plugins: []

## Type: string
# Yum package name of Jenkins.
jenkins2_version: jenkins

## Type: yesno
# Whether to disable gpg-check at installing Jenkins.
jenkins2_disable_gpg_check: no

## Type: yesno
# Whether to enable certificate-validation at importing RPM key.
jenkins2_rpm_key_validate_certs: yes

## Type: string
# URL of the HTTP proxy to be used at importing RPM key.
# Set to '' (empty string) to disable HTTP proxy
jenkins2_rpm_key_proxy_url: ''

## Type: string
# Java executable to run Jenkins
# When left empty, we'll try to find the suitable Java.
jenkins2_java_cmd: ''

## Type: string
# Options to pass to java when running Jenkins.
jenkins2_java_options: "-Djava.awt.headless=true -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false"

## Type: integer(0:65535)
# Port Jenkins is listening on.
# Set to -1 to disable
jenkins2_http_port: 8080

## Type: string
# IP address Jenkins listens on for HTTP requests.
# Default is all interfaces (
jenkins2_listen_address: ''

## Type: integer(1:9)
# Debug level for logs -- the higher the value, the more verbose.
# 5 is INFO.
jenkins2_debug_level: 5

## Type: yesno
# Whether to enable access logging or not.
jenkins2_enable_access_log: no

## Type: integer
# Maximum number of HTTP worker threads.
jenkins2_handler_max: 100

## Type; integer
# Maximum number of idle HTTP worker threads.
jenkins2_handler_idle: 20

## Type: string
# Pass arbitrary arguments to Jenkins.
# Full option list: java -jar jenkins.war --help
jenkins2_args: ''

## Type: string
# HTTP context path Jenkins is hosted at.
jenkins2_context_path: ''

## Type: string
# User name to access Jenkins CLI.
jenkins2_cli_username: admin

## Type: string
# Password to access Jenkins CLI.
jenkins2_cli_password: admin

## Type: string
# Host name or address of the proxy server.
# Set to '' (empty string) to disable proxy
jenkins2_proxy_host: ''

## Type: integer(0:65535)
# The port of the proxy server listens on.
jenkins2_proxy_port: 0

## Type: string
# If the proxy server requires authentication,
# set the name of the user.
jenkins2_proxy_username: ''

## Type: string
# If the proxy server requires authentication,
# set the password of the user.
jenkins2_proxy_password: ''

## Type: string
# If certain hosts must be contacted directly,
# you can specify their names.
# You can even use * as a wildcard.
# Example: *jenkins-test*.example.com
# Example: *jenkins-test*.example.com\\n*jenkins-production*.example.com
jenkins2_proxy_no_proxy_hosts: ''


This role has no dependencies.

Example Playbook

This role can be installed, as follows:

$ ansible-galaxy install ohtomi.jenkins2

This role can be applied, as follows:

- hosts: servers
  become: yes
      - github-oauth
     - ohtomi.jenkins2



Author Information

This role is heavily inspired by Karl M. Davis.