
This demonstrates how to use classes in PHP CRUD.


province -> id (PK, AI), name
town_city -> id (PK, AI), name
students -> id (PK, AI), student_number, first_name, last_name, middle_name, gender, birthday
student_details -> id (PK, AI), student_id (int), contact_number, street, town_city (FK), province (int), zip_code

To Dos:

  • CRUD of Province
  • CRUD of Town City
  • Fix Edit of Student's Profile include table student_details
  • Fix Edit of Student's Profile use appropriate controls for gender and birthdate.
  • Modify display in students table include some data from student_details table
  • Fix Gender display use 'F' or 'M' (do not change database structure)
  • Fix Birthdate display use 'Jan 1 2020' format.
  • Fix Delete of Student's Profile include student_details.
  • Add 3 types of Report in Menu Report
  • Modify index.php, create a chart using ChartJS (dashboard like)