Shopping Cart

-[x] find a desing

Think about the component and the folder structure

which components
  • Navbar

  • Home

  • Hero

  • Informations

  • Divider

  • ItemList

  • Item

  • Marketing

  • Space

  • Ingredient

  • Questions

  • DisplayProduct

  • Instagram

  • [] Footer

  • which functionalities


At least two pages (homepage and shop page (includes shopping cart))

Let user navigate between the pages with a navigation bar (React Router) [DONE]

On the shopping cart route

A user should see a sticky bar which displays the number of items currently in the cart. [DONE] Should also have a button next to it where you can go to the cart to checkout and pay. [DONE]

Build individual card items for each products.

  • display an input field on it, which let a user adjust how many items they want to buy. [DONE]
  • also add an increment and decrement button next to it for fine-tunning. [DONE]
  • display a title for each product as weel as an "Add to Cart" button [DONE]


Cart itself

  • Once a user has submitted their order, the amount on the cart itself should adjust. [DONE]


  • add About page [STAND BY]
  • add Menu Component [DONE]
  • make shop page responsive [DONE]
  • add checkout page [DONE]
  • make checkout page responsive [DONE]
  • display cart in all page on mobile [DONE]


  • create Footer component [STAND BY]


  • add typo [DONE]
  • refactoring [DONE]

Add Redux to this project
