Basic Directory Scaner

This Python script is a basic file scanner that searches a specified directory for files with specific extensions. It can be used to identify potentially suspicious files within a directory.


  1. Clone the Repository: git clone

  2. Navigate to the Directory: cd Basic-Directory-Scaner

  3. Run the Script: python

  4. Enter Directory Path and Extensions:

  • Enter the directory path you want to scan when prompted.
  • Enter the file extensions you want to scan, separated by commas and spaces.
  1. View Results:
  • If suspicious files are found, their paths will be displayed.
  • If no suspicious files are found, a message indicating so will be shown.


  • Python 3.x
  • Operating System: Windows, Linux, macOS


This script is for educational purposes only and provides a basic file scanning functionality. It may not detect all types of suspicious files or malware. Use it at your own risk.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.