
The DAT-640 group project at UIS 2022

Primary LanguagePython

DAT640 Project

Group 2 - TREC 2019 passage reranking

Geoffrey Brenne - Paul Duffaut - Célian Debéthune

Here is the group project carried out for the DAT640 subject taught at the University of Stavanger. We chose the TREC-2019 passage reranking project and developed our project in python using Juptyter-Notebook. We then wrote our own code to make it presentable and to show how to get our results.

The python modules used are:


  • Obtain a top 1000 passages from the MS MARCO collection (8.8 Million documents) according to a query and the BM25 algorithm
  • Evaluate the performance of our baseline retrieval

How tu use it

Baseline Method

There are two files for performing BM-25 retrieval: Both of them outputs retrieved.txt and qrels.txt:

"retrieved.txt": The top 1000 passages ranked using BM-25 in TREC format: BM_25_retrieval.py and BM_25_pyterrier.py

qid Q0 docno rank score tag
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012186 1 1.73315273652 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003292 2 1.72581054377 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_002212 3 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo3844_12_012182 4 1.72522727817 mySystem
1 Q0 nhslo1393_12_003296 5 1.71374426875 mySystem

"qrels.txt": The test qrels for the same dataset, used to evaluate the model:

qid 0 docno relevance
1 0 aldf.1864_12_000027 1
1 0 aller1867_12_000032 2
1 0 aller1868_12_000012 0
1 0 aller1871_12_000640 1
1 0 arthr0949_12_000945 0

Note: The tables are taken from the examples of the TREC-TOOLS documentation

Running one of the followings should generate the two files:

python3 BM_25_retrieval.py
python3 BM_25_pyterrier.py

Since the first BM-25 implementation is very slow, we use it to rank one query at a time, and the second one is ranking the whole test dataset. The results are very similar, the same passages are retrieved, sometimes order changes a bit when BM-25 scores are very close.

Then you can use trec_eval and the text files to obtain performances results of the baseline method:

./trec_eval ./qrels.txt ./retrieved.txt
Advanced Method

After performing the first ranking, you can use reranking.py to apply a reranking thanks to a BERT model:

python3 reranking.py

This will output a file called reranked.txt in the same format as retrieved.txt. You can then perform a second evaluation with:

./trec_eval ./qrels.txt ./reranked.txt


Some packages are used, but the installation is straightforward.