Name: Symptom Checker

Technologies Used: HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery


Users can add information about health issues and get possible health conditions


As a new parent, I am often bombarded with some sort of health issue or another. With the addition of managing a busy schedule, it is often hard to visit a doctor right away, so the idea for creating a symptom checker that allows for a quick diagnosis came about. It is helpful to get a sense of what condition I might have in a quick and timely manner before discussing my symptoms with my primary doctor.

Document Flow

  1. User presses “enter” on landing page to enter main page content
  2. User enters personal information on form (age and sex)
  3. User enters their symptoms
  4. API diagnoses symptom and prompts user their main sympton
  5. After clicking “Start Diagnosis Questions” users get prompted questions to better diagnose symptoms
  6. After a series on questions and answers users get condition diagnosis

API Refrence

The data used for this app is powered by Infermedica: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Companies. More information about this API can be found [Here] (