
Statistical Shape and Intensity Models GPU-Accelerated Renderer Library

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

SSIM Renderer Library

SSIM Renderer is a Qt-based C++ library for OpenGL enabled rendering of virtual X-Ray images from statistical shape and intensity models.


The main focus of the library is a rendering of virtual X-Ray images from a statistical shape and intensity model (SSIM) proposed by R. Yao [1]. The library provides OpenGL accelerated rendering of the SSIM according to [2]. Moreover, it includes OpenGL and OpenCL implementations of two image similarity metrics: joint histogram normalized mutual information metric and sum of squared differences metric. The library is highly optimised and suitable for purposes of 2D-3D deformable registration [3]. It is also capable to work with simple polygonal statistical shape models (SSM) stored in Statismo file format.

Version from 17 December 2015.


  • Rendering of virtual X-Ray images from SSIM.
  • Rendering of surface images from SSIM/SSM.
  • Rendering of silhouettes of SSIM/SSM.
  • Mirroring of the shape models.
  • Sharing shape model between many renderers using OpenGL shared contexts.
  • Exporting the surface of the shape model in STL file format.
  • Computation of OpenGL and OpenCL accelerated image similarity metrics.
  • etc.


Qt Toolkit in version 5.x or later is required. Other required librarires are redistributed within the SSIM Renderer package. The libraries are redistributed in both source and binary form. Following 3rd party libraries are included:

  • HDF5
  • libmesh6
  • matio
  • RPly library
  • zlib

The library has been developped for usage with Windows 7 or later.


To get started with the SSIM Renderer library, please have a look at the included examples:

  • ImageMetrics.cpp

    • example demonstrating computation of image similarity metrics between two virtual X-Ray images
  • SimpleStatismoModel.cpp

    • demonstration of the offscreen rendering of a simple polygonal shape model
  • IntensityShapeModel.cpp

    • example of rendering virtual X-Ray images from a statistical shape and intensity model

There is also a full reference manual available.


The SSIM Renderer library can be further redistributed under the terms of the the LGPL version 3 open source license. The library can be obtained from the following location: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/research/prod/?id=458


This work has been supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR, Project Id: TA04011606).



[1] J. Yao, R. Taylor, "Construction and simplification of bone density models" SPIE Medical Imaging: 2001.

[2] M. Ehlke, HRamm, H. Lamecker, H.C. Hege, S. Zachow. "Fast generation of virtual X-ray images for reconstruction of 3D anatomy." IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph: Dec 2013.

[3] O. Klima, P. Kleparnik, M. Spanel, P. Zemcik, "GP-GPU accelerated intensity-based 2D/3D registration pipeline" In Proceedings of Shape Symposium, p. 19, Delemont, Switzerland, 2014.