
CSSE432 Term Project - Spring 2018-2019

Primary LanguageJava


CSSE432 Term Project - Spring 2018-2019

My team-mates for this project were Ana Huerta and Keith Hanson


First time database stuff:

  • Go into application.properties in 'src/main/resources'
  • Change 'spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update' to 'spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create'
  • Note, change it back after first time running server application

Run the server:

  • Option 1: Run ./gradlew bootRun
  • Option 2: Import into eclipse and run api.Application as a java application

Run the command line client:

  • Import into eclipse and run ui.Main as a java application

Run the webpage(for use on local machine):