🛒 E-Commerce-WebApp-BurgerYiyelim-Clone

This project is a clone of the "burgeryiyelim.com" e-commerce website developed using React and TypeScript. The UI/UX design is created using Material UI. Users can select products from a list of available items and add them to the shopping cart. They can also perform actions such as removing items, increasing or decreasing quantities within the cart.

To View the Live Project: Click Here

🚀 Technologies Used

  • React: Used as the core technology for building the user interface.
  • TypeScript: Chosen for its robust type checking and IntelliSense support to ensure a safer and more comprehensible codebase.
  • Redux Toolkit: Employed for managing all data-related operations. It handles state management, actions, reducers, and stores.
  • Material-UI: Utilized for designing the user interface and creating components.

🏃 How to Run

  1. Open your terminal in the project directory.
  2. Use the command npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Use the command npm run dev to launch the application.

⭐ Features

  • Adding and removing products to/from the cart.
  • Increasing and decreasing product quantities in the cart.
  • Displaying the total price of items in the cart.

🤝 Contribution

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and open a pull request. I'm open to fixes, features, and improvements anytime.