Swadeshi MicroProcessor Challenge

Detail Proposal Form - Ideate Stage of Quarter Finals

i. Registration ID

Enter the Registration ID

ii. Name of Team Leader

Enter Name of Team Leader

iii. Registered Email ID

Enter registered Email ID

iv. Contact Number

Enter Contact Number

v. Address for Correspondence

Mention the address where FPGA Board can be shipped, if shortlisted for Semi-final

vi. Name of Institute

Enter Name of Institute

vii. Address of Institute

Enter Address of Institute

viii. Team Name

Enter Name of Team

ix. Team Member Details

Name of Team Members Email Id Contact Number Branch / Area of Specialisation Name of Institute
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
Member 5

x. Faculty Details*

Name of faculty Email ID Contact Number Designation Department Name Name of Institute
Faculty 1 *
Faculty 2

Section-I: Hardware Resource Section

1. **Name of Hardware Resources **

  • SHAKTI Pinaka (E32-A35) on Artix7-35T FPGA,

  • SHAKTI Parashu (E32-A100) on Artix7-100T FPGA,

  • SHAKTI Vajra (C64-A100) on Artix7-100T FPGA,

  • VEGA ET1031 on Artix7-35T FPGA,

  • VEGA AS1061 on Artix7-100T FPGA,

  • Other (FPGA Board other than Artix7-35T & Artix7-100T)

If selected Hardware Resources with ARTIX7-100T FPGA, then provide justification for not making use of the Hardware Resources with Artix7-35T FPGA, which may result in an optimal utilization of the Hardware Resources for the innovative solution proposed. (if not applicable put N/a)

If selected Hardware Resources as other (FPGA Board other than Artix7-35T and Artix7-100T), then please mention the details of FPGA Board of your choice ( like Name of Vendor, Series etc.). ( If not applicable put N/a)

If selected Hardware Resources as Other ( FPGA Board other than Artix7-35T and Artix7-100T) then select processor eco system of your choice among SHAKTI – E32, SHAKTI- C64, VEGA ET1031 or VEGA AS1061. (if not applicable put N/a)

Section-II: Technical Aspects of Innovative Solution

1. Proposal Title

[Select appropriate proposal title based on its theme- like Heathcare, Agriculture, Environment, Safety, Security & Surveillance, Waste Management, IoT/ IoE based technologies, Emerging technologies etc ]

2. Proposal Summary

[Provide a brief overview of the proposal, i.e. the idea and the problem it may solve]

3. Please provide a concept note explaining the technology/ technical & other necessary details

4. Briefly state the Objectives and Proposed Approach

[Describe how the proposed innovation addresses the problem. Clarify the current status of the innovation]

The description should cover the following points:

1). Strategy and/or methodology of work.

2). Block Diagram/ images highlighting all the subsystems and supported with a broad details of each block/subsystem.

3). Scope and boundaries of the work, including any issues that will not be covered.

4). Data analysis (sample size, data collection)

5. Has any preliminary work been carried out?

Give status of work done earlier and its timelines. If yes, please provide the background details.

6. Timelines

a) Quarterly timelines vis-a-vis activities

b) Factually verifiable Indicators or Physical deliverables or Output indicators

Intellectual Property

Does the applicant or the applicant company own any IP related to this project. If yes, give details. (Please mention Patent Number, Patent Title and Patent Assignee)

8. Requirement of Equipment/ Accessories/ Components/ Resources other than the Hardware Resources provided under the Challenge

a) Requirement Equipment/ Accessories/ Components

b) Quantity

c) Estimated Value

9. Relevant References.

Section-III: Business Aspects of Innovative Solution

1. Novelty

[Explain how your idea is innovative and how it is different from the existing products/solutions in the markets or current state-of-the-art. Competitive advantage of the proposed solution may be elaborated)

2. Opportunity

[What is the requirement and potential societal & market impact? ]

3. Market Feasibility

[What is the addressable Market and the Target Market and the Competitor Landscape]

4. Commercialization Roadmap

What do you envision to be the key next step to making impact with this innovation/ commercialize this innovation ? {(e.g., Sponsored research support, Lincensing, Venture Financing) What is the time frame?
Commercialization plan should indicate:
1). Market entry strategy & roadmap for scalability.
2). Timelines and Milestones.
3). Data analysis (sample size, data collection)

5. Challenges or Risk factors associated with the project and the proposed mitigation strategies

[What are the challenges and risk factors that you envision which may affect this project? What are the critical success factors/potential barriers?]

6. Have you established the Link-up with any agency/ organization, other than the Team members, for joint- development of this innovative solution.

[provide details of other members/ organizations involved in joint- development of this innovative solution & their role]

7. Have you received any interest from the end user of this innovative solution

[Share details, Annex the Letter of interest received]

8. Have you approached any other organisation/agency for financial support for the present activity?

9. Relevant References.