
This repository is used for the HeaDS git and GitHub workshop 2023

HeaDS git and GitHub workshop 2023

This repository is used for the HeaDS git and GitHub workshop 2023.

The slides for the workshop are available here: git-slides_January_2023.pdf. The recipes folder contains examples of recipes which can be used for inspiration in the exercises. For the workshops last exercise we will be working with three shared repositories:

Viki's repo: https://github.com/viktoriaschuster/git-GitHub-workshop-team3

Thildes' repo: https://github.com/ThildeBT/git-GitHub-workshop-team2

Henrike's repo: https://github.com/hezscha/git-GitHub-workshop-team1

Each participant will be assigned to a team (teams will be assigned during the workshop).

Cheat sheet containing many of the commands that will be introduced in the workshop: git-cheat-sheet-education.pdf

Workshop contacts:

Thilde Terkelsen, Research Consultant thilde.terkelsen@sund.ku.dk

Henrike Zschach, Data Scientist henrike.zschach@sund.ku.dk