Scripts and other material related to the resynthesis-based attack strategy against logic locking.
A resynthesis-based strategy that utilizes the strength of a commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tool to reveal the vulnerabilities of a locked circuit. To do so, in a pre-attack step, a locked netlist is resynthesized using different synthesis parameters in a systematic way, leading to a large number of functionally equivalent but structurally different locked circuits.
The script must be configured to point to a standard cell library. Check line #266 of
# set_db init_lib_search_path <lib_path>
# set_db library <lib>
Usage: perl -mod=<str> -gen=<str> -map=<str> -opt=<str> -dc=<int> -pmt=<int> -kdc -bsd -ldd -crl=<int> -auto -bench -dux
-mod: Name of the module of the top design
-gen: Cadence Genus effort on syn_generic command, by default it is high
-map: Cadence Genus effort on syn_map command, by default it is high
-opt: Cadence Genus effort on syn_opt command, by default it is high
-dc: Delay constraint in picoseconds by default it is 80000
-pmt: Maximum transition value in percentage of the delay constraint by default it is 10%
-kdc: Sets the given delay constraint between key inputs and outputs to an extreme value of 1ps by default it does not
-bsd: Different delay constraints are found in a binary search manner and used to find different designs by default it does not
-ldd: Different delay constraints are found in a linear degradation manner and used to find different designs by default it does not
-crl: Cadence Genus run limit while determinig the delay constraint using bsd and ldd methods, by default it is 10
-auto: Runs the script for all possible cases by default it does not
-bench: Converts the resynthsized Verilog file to a bench file by default it does not
-dux: Does not use XOR/XNOR gates by default it does
-h: Prints this screen
Description: Automatically generates the synthesis script and runs the Cadence Genus synthesis tool
In auto option, design results are reported in a summary file
In ldd method, the delay constraint is decreased by the value of critical path delay in first synthesis divided by the Cadence run limit
# Default command in the paper: perl -mod=<str> -ldd -crl=5 -auto -bench -dux
Scripts to translate between verilog and bench file and vice versa are available too.
Usage: perl -f=<FileName>
net: Name of the bench file which includes a locked design
Description: This code converts the locked bench file to a Verilog file using ABC
Usage: perl -v=<FileName> -l=<FileName> -o=<FileName> -verb=<int>
v: Name of the Verilog file including the gate-level netlist
l: Name of the library file including the gate functions
o: Name of the output file by default it is extracted from the Verilog file
verb: Level of verbosity by default it is 0 and the comments in the bench file are suppresed
Description: This code converts the gate-level netlist in Verilog to the bench format
Notes: The function of a gate given in the library must not include any spaces
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1- Bibtex
@INPROCEEDINGS{10129403, author={Almeida, Felipe and Aksoy, Levent and Nguyen, Quang-Linh and Dupuis, Sophie and Flottes, Marie-Lise and Pagliarini, Samuel}, booktitle={2023 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)}, title={Resynthesis-based Attacks Against Logic Locking}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-8}, doi={10.1109/ISQED57927.2023.10129403}}
F. Almeida, L. Aksoy, Q-L. Nguyen, S. Dupuis, M-L. Flottes, S. Pagliarini, "Resynthesis-based Attacks Against Logic Locking," 2023 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2023.
3- Preprint
The preprint of the paper is available on the following link: