Web Application to search food and report calories and nutrients
Obtain the API Key and App Id for Edanam. The key and id will be hidden by creating a .env file. The .env file should be placed inside (like the following example)
url = f"https://api.edamam.com/search?q={query}&app_id={app_id}&app_key={app_key}"
#this is the "env" file (in the root directory of the rope) The assigned name must be in CAPS. Eliminate spaces to avoid possible issues
#APP_KEY = "_____________"
Create a virtual environment
conda create -n edanam-env python=3.10
``sh conda activate edanam-env
Install third-party package:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install python-dotenv
Run the report
python app/edanam.py
python -m app.edanam
Run the web app:
# Mac OS:
FLASK_APP=web_app flask run
# Windows OS:
# ... if `export` doesn't work for you, try `set` instead
# ... or try a ".env" file approach
export FLASK_APP=web_app
flask run
Run tests: