Automatically generate models for SequelizeJS from Fulcrum apps. Concept and much of the code was originally derived from sequelize-auto.
npm install sequelize-auto-fulcrum -g
Usage: [node] sequelize-auto-fulcrum -k <key> -f <form_id> -p <parent> -o [output] -s
[schema] -a [additional]
-k, --key API Key. [required]
-f, --form_id Form ID. [required]
-p, --parent Arbitrary name for the parent table. [required]
-o, --output What directory to place the models.
-s, --schema Schema name where tables should reside.
-a, --additional Path to a json file containing model definitions (for all
tables) which are to be defined within a model's
configuration parameter. For more info:
var FulcrumAuto = require(sequelize-auto-fulcrum);
var options = {
directory: './models',
additional: {
createdAt: 'century_createdAt',
updatedAt: 'century_updatedAt',
freezeTableName: true,
var f = new FulcrumAuto(key, form_id, parentName, options);;