
Cloned Machines Have Disconnected Network Adapters

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I am attempting to provision windows VM's with settings - here

The process actually works well except for one thing.. The newly cloned machines have their network cards disconnected at the vsphere level, and i have manually edit the vm's settings, and check the boxes to have them "connected" and "connected at Power on"

Initially i thought this might be a problem with the "Template" VM being on a different LAN to the destination lan of the new VM. But its not that. Next I thought it might be the fact the template had a E1000 Nic and the newly cloned VM's were being created with VMXNET3 adapters. So I remedied that too and still no..

Because there is no error.. I don't have a stacktrace.. but i do have the console info see below... If there is a way of getting more info out then please let me know and i'll run it again.

Thanks in advance for any assistance..


- creating machine WebServer-02 on vsphere://###.infra.local/sdk?use_ssl=true&insecure=true
-   use_linked_clone: true
-   datacenter: "###"
-   host: "###"
-   template_name: "2012R2_30-Dec-16"
-   template_folder: "Templates"
-   vm_folder: "New Builds"
-   network_name: "Production LAN"
-   num_cpus: 2
-   memory_mb: 4096
-   datastore: "MSA03_vd3_v03"
-   customization_spec: {:domain=>"local", :win_time_zone=>"083", :product_id=>"", :org_name=>"###", :ipsettings=>{:ip=>"", :subnetMask=>"", :dnsServerList=>[""], :gateway=>[""]}}
-   ssh: {:user=>"###", :password=>"*********", :paranoid=>false}
- finding networks...
- network: Production LAN is a Network
- changing template nic for Production LAN
- customizing WebServer-02               with static IP
- customizing WebServer-02 with /
              dynamic IP and DNS: [""]
- Machine - created - WebServer-02 (5001ae8c-f5fa-7502-60c6-07d777de1c42 on vsphere://##.infra.local/sdk?use_ssl=true&insecure=true)[2017-01-06T17:04:23+00:00] INFO: Processing chef_node[WebServer-02] action create (basic_chef_client::block line 57)

Ooo i am #100


I see you watching.. but is anyone else????