
A library of UI components for CTL labs web projects

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CTL Base UI Kit

The foundation UI kit for CTL labs products residing on the web.


This repo is no longer being maintained. Users are welcome to fork it, but we make no warranty of its functionality.

Language & Framework specific?

Currently this puppy is a mountable (Ruby on Rails) engine. We can write SASS and HAML. We can mount it as an engine on a Rails project and will get a free style guide, however the assets can also be compiled and included in projects built in different languages.

Getting Started


  • Computer
  • Ruby version 2.1

Install steps

  • clone the repo
  • cd into and bundle the rails app
cd ctl-base-ui
gem install bundler # if not already installed
bundle install
  • cd into test/dummy and run the server
cd test/dummy
rails s