Cerebrium documentation

Welcome to Cerebrium's documentation hub currently available at docs.cerebrium.ai

Cerebrium is an AWS Sagemaker alternative providing all the features you need to quickly build an ML product.

🚀 Setup

Install the Mintlify CLI to preview the documentation changes locally. To install, use the following command

npm i mintlify -g

👩‍💻 Development

Run the following command at the root of your Mintlify application to preview changes locally.

mintlify dev

Note - mintlify dev requires yarn and it's recommended you install it as a global installation. If you don't have yarn installed already run npm install --global yarn in your terminal.

😎 Publishing Changes

Changes will be deployed to production automatically after pushing to the default (master) branch.

You can also preview changes using PRs, which generates a preview link of the docs.


  • Mintlify dev isn't running - Run mintlify install it'll re-install dependencies.
  • Mintlify dev is updating really slowly - Run mintlify clear to clear the cache.