A Rogue-lite game made with the Ncurses library in the C programing language;
This guidelines should be followed to obtain uniform code across all contributers:
- If a expression is compared to a constant, the constant should come second;
if (int_max > 2);
- The use of breaks and returns in the middle of a block/function are prohibited;
- Returns should only come ate the end of the function;
- Tabs should equal 2 whitspaces;
- Lines should not be longer than 100 chars;
- Consecutive empty lines should not be used;
- Variable declarations, lines or blocks of code should be followed by an empty line;
- In a sequence of lines of code, every component should be aligned in agreement with each component of the different lines;
int main (){ int number_of, for_demonstration; number_of = 12; for_demonstration = 0; for (; i > 0; i--){ printf ("HI!!"); for_demonstration += 1; }
- Variables and function names should be named with underscores between words;
- The letters to descrive each variable/function should be lowercase;
int time_zone;
very_cool_secondary_function (time_zone);
- Every commentary should use multiline comment marks, starting and ending with a white space;
/* Very cool and informative comment */
- A comment placed right after a line of code should be separeted by a tab;
very_cool_function (time_zone); /* That does this */
- When doing multiline comments, write each one as if they where a single comment;
/* Very interesting comment followed by */ /* an even more interesting comment */