
Final project for the Software Project Management (GPS) course. TigerPlace is a marketplace designed to support university students by facilitating the sale of products and services within the community, promoting student autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Primary LanguageDart

Tiger Place

Project Description

TigerPlace focuses on addressing the need to support university students by facilitating the sale of products and improving their economic situation. The creation of a marketplace specific to the student community will allow for simple and secure commercial interaction. The feasibility is based on the growing adoption of mobile technologies and direct collaboration with the Tec Tepic student body.


"TigerPlace" emerges as an essential support for entrepreneurial students, providing a dedicated platform for the promotion and marketing of products and services within the university community. This project seeks to create a safe and centralized environment, eliminating the dependence on third-party applications. With the aim of promoting student autonomy, trust, and development of young entrepreneurial students.