

How to Use

0. Accounts

1. Auctions

  • seller creates auctions and posts items for sale

    • set all the characteristics of the item
    • set closing date and time
    • set a hidden minimum price (reserve)
  • http://localhost:8080/webreg/Sell

  • a buyer should be able to bid

    • let the buyer set a new bid
    • in case of automatic bidding set secret upper limit and bid increment
    • alert other buyers of the item that a higher bid has been placed (manual)
    • alert buyers in case someone bids more than their upper limit (automatic)
  • http://localhost:8080/webreg/Bargain/int:itemId

  • http://localhost:8080/webreg/autobid.jsp

  • define the winner of the auction

    • when the closing time has come, check if the seller has set a reserve
    • if yes: if the reserve is higher than the last bid none is the winner.
    • if no: whoever has the higher bid is the winner
      • alert the winner that they won the auction
  • http://localhost:8080/webreg/User

2. Browsing and advanced search functionality

3. Admin and customer rep functions