How to Use
Open source file from zip submission or github(https://github.com/Cesartwothousands/C2C-Auction-System).
Run 3schema.sql with your local mysql database.
Change the connection url and password in
to your url and password. -
If you do not have maven installed in your computer, install maven. See https://maven.apache.org/install.html.
Run the following code in command line with the project base directory:
cd WebReg mvn compile mvn tomcat7:run
visit the website at http://localhost:8080/webreg/
- admin@example.com
- adminPassword
rep1@example.com, rep1_password
rep2@example.com, rep2_password
- johndoe@example.com, password123
- janesmith@example.com, password456
- ...
0. Accounts
- Create accounts of users;
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/
- Login, logout.
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Login
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Logout
1. Auctions
seller creates auctions and posts items for sale
- set all the characteristics of the item
- set closing date and time
- set a hidden minimum price (reserve)
a buyer should be able to bid
- let the buyer set a new bid
- in case of automatic bidding set secret upper limit and bid increment
- alert other buyers of the item that a higher bid has been placed (manual)
- alert buyers in case someone bids more than their upper limit (automatic)
define the winner of the auction
- when the closing time has come, check if the seller has set a reserve
- if yes: if the reserve is higher than the last bid none is the winner.
- if no: whoever has the higher bid is the winner
- alert the winner that they won the auction
2. Browsing and advanced search functionality
- let people browse on the items and see the status of the current bidding
- sort by different criteria (by type, bidding price etc.)
- search the list of items by various criteria.
- a user should be able to:
- view all the history of bids for any specific auction
- view the list of all auctions a specific buyer or seller has participated in
- view the list of "similar" items on auctions in the preceding month (and auction information about them)
- let user set an alert for specific items s/he is interested
- get an alert when the item becomes available
- users browse questions and answers
- users search questions by keywords
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Explore
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Search?query=string:query
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/AdvancedSearch
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/AdvancedSearch?query=string:query
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Report
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Report?query=string:query
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/History/string:query
3. Admin and customer rep functions
- Admin (create an admin account ahead of time)
- creates accounts for customer representatives
- generates sales reports for:
- total earnings
- earnings per:
- item
- item type
- end-user
- best-selling items
- best buyers
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Admin
- Customer representative functions:
- users post questions to the customer representatives (i.e. customer service)
- reps reply to user questions
- edits and deletes account information
- removes bids
- removes auctions
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/CRLogin
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/CRHomepage
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Reply
- http://localhost:8080/webreg/Reply?query=string:query