
Benchmark quantum circuits before and after optimization.


This repository contains benchmark quantum circuits before and after optimization.

The circuit optimizations were carried out using the techniques detailed in the following paper.

  • Y. Nam, N.J. Ross, Y. Su, A.M. Childs, and D. Maslov. Automated optimization of large quantum circuits with continuous parameters. October 2017. Available from https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.07345.

The circuits fall into three categories.

  1. Components of Shor's factoring algorithm: Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) circuits, adder circuits from the Quipper arithmetic library, and QFT-based adders. These circuits can be found in the QFT_and_Adders folder.

  2. Circuits for quantum simulation using product formulas. These circuits can be found in the PF folder.

  3. Arithmetic and Toffoli circuits. These circuits can be found in the Arithmetic_and_Toffoli folder.

All circuits are given in the ASCII format of the Quipper language. See http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~selinger/quipper/ for more information.

The circuits before optimization use Hadamard gates, single-qubit z-rotations, as well as NOT, CNOT, and Toffoli gates. The Toffoli gates are sometimes expressed as a doubly-controlled Z gate conjugated by Hadamard gates. The circuits after optimization use only Hadamard gates, single-qubit z-rotations, NOT gates and CNOT gates.

The pre-optimized circuits in the QFT_and_Adders folder were generated using the implementations provided with the Quipper language. The pre-optimized circuits in the Arithmetic_and_Toffoli folder were taken from the T-par repository which can be accessed at https://github.com/meamy/t-par.

Questions and comments can be addressed to: ynam@wesleyan.edu