
My Emacs Configuration with support with LaTeX, Django, Matlab and hopefully Iraf.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

1. Install

Automated install

Do you trust me?

curl -L -O - emacs.hackspace.la | bash

Manual Install

If you are not good with ssh:

git clone --recursive http://github.com/CestDiego/.emacs.d

If you love <3 ssh:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:CestDiego/.emacs.d.git

Then execute the installer

~/.emacs.d/initial-scripts/install-emacs --local

Other considerations

2. What’s this?

The main use of this .emacs.d configuration is to give users of the HackSpace community a quick intro to the emacs editor, and also to provide a flexible but solid foundation on how to customize what will be their own .emacs.d

Main features:

  • Clojure development support
  • Org Export to Reveal.js for Awesome Presentations
  • Org2blog for exporting directly to your wordpress site
  • Magit for using git inside emacs
  • (what we think of) Better defaults
  • Latex support with latex-pane-editor for quick editing
  • Python IDE implementation with Elpy and Jedi as backend
  • HTML/CSS/JS Support with web-mode and js2
  • Basic Haskell support (you guys can improve on this)
  • MongoDB Inferior Mode for MongoDB interactions
  • RCIRC for IRC chat with .authinfo.gpg backend
  • Smart Mode Line as the Modeline Frontend (customizable too)
  • TRAMP support out of the box
  • AutoComplete for Ispell and some major languages (pytho,haskell,C, etc)


This has only been testen on Ubuntu 14.04 if you have problems feel free to submit an issue/pull request

3. Recommended settings

4. Profiles

5. User variables

VariableDefault valueSelect
12org-tree-slide-deactivate-messageQuit, Bye!String

[*1] { nil| ‘lighter | ‘outside } ‘outside: shown in the mode line outside of lighter ‘lighter: shown in lighter (slow) nil: nothing to be shown”