
docker image based on alpine3.6 ; install docker client


Simple docker image based on alpine3.6 with docker client (17.06.2-ce) installed.

  • install docker client
    • install curl
    • fetch docker binaries archive
    • unzip archive
    • move docker client binary
    • remove curl and cleanup artifacts
docker -v

How to use (running docker instructions)

Since this image is designed to work with the host docker engine, you need to pass the socket.

# display stats
docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock cethy/alpine-docker-client stats

Using another docker version

Example building a new image with another docker client :

docker build --build-arg DOCKER_CLI_VERSION="17.03.1-ce" -t my-alpine-docker .
docker run my-alpine-docker
# will output : Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e

Docker releases listing


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