
A mod loader for some GameMaker Studio 2 games not using YYC

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

GameMaker Mod Loader

A mod loader for some GameMaker Studio 2 games not using YYC


  1. Install .NET 6 Runtime
  2. Download latest release (there are none yet lol, compile it yourself)
  3. Unpack the downloaded archive into the game's folder



  • Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 (MSVC v143)
  • .NET 6 SDK


  1. Clone UndertaleModTool git clone https://github.com/krzys-h/UndertaleModTool.git

  2. Publish UndertaleModLib dotnet publish UndertaleModLib -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained

  3. Add the NuGet package to NuGet sources dotnet nuget add source <path to folder with the .nupkg file>

    Note: if you're using Rider, you can open the NuGet tab > Sources > Feeds and add a new feed

  4. Clone GMML recursively git clone https://github.com/cgytrus/gmml.git --recursive

  5. Go to <dotnet folder (usually C:/Program Files/dotnet)>/packs/Microsoft.NETCore.App.Hosy.win-x64/<latest 6.x.x>/runtimes/win-x64/native

  6. Copy the files coreclr_delegates.h, hostfxr.h, nethost.dll, nethost.h and nethost.lib to gmml/lib/nethost

    (yes, i was too lazy to make it find them automatically)

  7. Build gmml msbuild ./gmml/gmml.vcxproj (in x64 Native Tools Command Prompt)

  8. Publish GmmlPatcher dotnet publish GmmlPatcher -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained


  1. Copy the version.dll and nethost.dll from gmml build output to your game's root
  2. Copy the publish folder from GmmlPatcher publish output to <game root>/gmml and rename it to patcher
  3. Create a gmml.cfg file in game's root
  4. Optional: add line debug to gmml.cfg to enable some debug messages and console to display a console The final structure would look something like this:
<game root>
|   +---patcher
|   |   +---...
|   |   +---GmmlPatcher.dll
|   |   \---...
|   \---mods
|       +---*your mods here*
|       \---...


  1. Put your mods in <game root>/gmml/mods
  2. Put mods' IDs (you can get them from the mods' manifest.json file) or paths (prefixed with your system's directory separator) in mods/blacklist.txt to ignore them
  3. Put mods' IDs in mods/whitelist.txt to enable the whitelist and only load those mods