
soundsphere script that can generate a skin off a base file.

Primary LanguageLua


soundsphere script that can sets a skin off a base file.

add more keymode

You need to create a new file, the name doesn't matter as long as the extension is .skin.lua in that file add the following code

local JustConfig = require("sphere.JustConfig")

local root = (...):match("(.+)/.-")

local config = JustConfig:fromFile(root .. "/base.config.lua")
return require(root .. "/base")
    .createNoteskin(key, scratch, pedal, ..., config)

and replace key, scratch and pedal by their corresponding value, so if you want to make a skin for 13 keys and 1 pedal, it will become

    .createNoteskin(13, 0, 1, ..., config)

add a separate config file

You need to copy the content of base.config.lua file and rename it somethingelse.config.lua then in the file(s) for the keymode(s) you want to use that config file edit

local config = JustConfig:fromFile(root .. "/base.config.lua")


local config = JustConfig:fromFile(root .. "/somethingElse.config.lua")

note that there can only be the following cases for scratch and pedal

key, 1, 0, key, 2, 0, key, 1, 1, key, 0, 1,