
A simple film-staff relational database made for a university Python course

Primary LanguagePython

Film and staff database

A simple film-staff relational database made for a university Python course.


This program requires the sqlalchemy package (pip install SQLAlchemy==1.4.46) (will add automatic installation later).


Run the OfflineClient.py file with the -h flag to know the available options for managing the database.

Running a the web app version

Whilst you can modify the database offline via the OfflineClient, you can also run a web app running the command flask run with a standard environment (app.py being the main app in the environment). Hosting it will allow you to access an API with all the features of the OfflineClient:

When hosting the flask app, you can make requests via the OnlineClient.py just as you would with OfflineClient.

Staff API

Link HTTP method Description
/Staff/add POST Add staff with data passed in a form via the request
/Staff/remove DELETE Remove staff with data passed in a form via the request
/Staff/removeid DELETE Remove staff with given id in a form via the request
/Staff/clear DELETE Remove all staff
/Staff?first_name=X&last_name=Y GET Get list of staff with given name
/Staff/film/<id> GET Get all films staff with given id has worked on

Forms in add and remove requests for staff

The required data for these requests are:

Request Required data
Add - first_name
- last_name
- speciality
Remove - first_name
- last_name
RemoveID - id

Film API

Link HTTP method Description
/Film/add POST Add film with data passed in a form via the request
/Film/remove DELETE Remove film with data passed in a form via the request
/Film/removeid DELETE Remove film with given id in a form via the request
/Film/clear DELETE Remove all films
/Film/<name> GET Get list of films with given name
/Film/staff/<id> GET Get all staff that worked on film with given id

Forms in add and remove requests for films

The required data for these requests are:

Request Required data
Add - name
- description
- release_date(*)
Remove - name
RemoveID - id

(*) - release_date is only the year, not the whole date. E.g. release_date=2005

Both API

Link HTTP method Description
/Both/addstaff?staffid=X&filmid=Y POST Add staff to a film with their IDs given in a form via the request
/Both/removestaff?staffid=X&filmid=Y DELETE Remove staff to a film with their IDs given in a form via the request