TP 4A 2020-21: The traveling salesman problem (TSP) with genetic algorithm
Fork this github repository (2 points)
Run the project
Comment the 3 classes: City, Population & Tour (3 points)
Commit your changes and check-it into github
On github, make a pull request (1 point)
Complete the next section: "Analyze IADT functions" into this file (2 points)
Commit your changes (commit
On github, update your pull request (1 point)
Make tests defined into section: "Functions to test now" (call your test functions using the rule: GIVEN_WHEN_THEN) (10 points)
Check the test coverage with the Jacoco coverage report provided into: /target/site/jacoco/index.html
Commit your changes
On github, update your pull request (1 point)
that ends
Analyze IADT functions
Hereafter, for each classes give function to be tested. Remember that all functions does not have to be tested, some code can be checked by a simple inspection or an analyse, another code can be validated by definition (rules, etc) the others function can be tecsted by unit tests, integration tests or validation tests (IADT: Inspect, Analyse, Define, Test).
Validation Mode
Why ? When ?
I: Inspect
No test needed, just a simple static test (visual) on a subset of classes (commentaries, indentation, etc.)
A: Analyze
Not easy to test but the algorithm is well know and can be check by a static analyze
D: Def/Dem
You can Demonstrate the function or by Definition the function needs not test (generate code, call functions, etc.)