This repository provides a golang library which can be used to launch and export nessus scans by interacting with the web api directly.
See the relevant godocs for more in-depth usage information.
If you don't want to use the library, and only launch scans, you can install the minimal scan launcher script with go get
The following code snippet shows how this library can be used to launch nessus scans.
package main
import (
func main () {
hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
targets := flag.String("t", "", "Comma seperated list of targets to feed to nessus")
name := flag.String("n", "", "Name of the scan which shall be created")
username := flag.String("u", "", "Nessus Username")
password := flag.String("p", "", "Nessus password")
nessus_location := flag.String("host", hostname, "Nessus hostname, defaults to os hostname")
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:8834", *nessus_location)
nessus := nessus.NewNessus(url)
if *targets == "" || *name == "" {
log.Fatal("Targets or name not specified")
if *password == "" || *username == "" {
log.Println("Attempting to use NESSUS_USERNAME and NESSUS_PASSWORD environment variables")
} else {
nessus.Credentials(*username, *password)
scanId := nessus.LaunchScan(*name, *targets)
report, _ := nessus.ExportAsNessus(scanId)