
My .vim directory, containing my (g)ViM configuratoin

Primary LanguageVim Script

Cgg's .vim directory (forked from Paul's)


Paste this into a terminal, if you are using Debian or Ubuntu :

wget https://github.com/padenot/.vim/raw/master/bootstrap.sh -O - | sh

This will download the config files, and make sure that dependancies are satisfied (mainly ctags and Meslo font as well as ViM 7.3.

Longer version & manual install

This is my ViM configuration, containing all my plugins, and my .vimrc file. It requires ViM 7.3 for the Gundo plugin to work. ViM has to be compiled with support for python scripting, and shall link against the same libraries that it has been compiled to (use the ldd command for troubleshooting).

I shall warn that I prefer spaces over tabs, and like 2 space indent. I use Meslo as a font, and you should install ctags to have autocompletion enabled.

You should simlink the vimrc file to ~/.vimrc, for this configuration to work.

ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

After cloning the repo, issue these commands :

cd .vim
git submodule init
git submodule update

To update the plugins :

cd .vim
sh update.sh

##Keybindings : ,

Leader key


Remove search highlighting


Gundo panel toggle


Tagbar panel toggle


Generate ctags file for current directory (recursive).


Tabulatize on = signs


Tabularize on | signs


Alternate between .cpp & .h and other file pairs


Open fuzzy file searching (ctrl+l to open in a new tab)

ctrl+j, ctrl+k

Previous/next tab


Fold or unfold. Folds are created automatically


Write the file when sudo has been forgotten


Call the program ~/bin/uuidgen.py, available here

F8, F9

Change a hex color under the cursor up or down by one shade.

Plugin list :

  • Fswitch : switch between .h and .cpp using ctrl+tab
  • Fuzzyfinder : ,t to fuzzy search files
  • Gundo : F5 open the undo tree
  • Indent-guides : Display nice indent guides
  • Markdown : nice markdown syntax coloring (plus goodies for Jekyll authoring)
  • Nerdcommenter : ,cc comments
  • Orgmode : emacs orgmode clone
  • Processing : syntax coloring for Processing
  • Speeddating : increment or decrement dates
  • Surround : surround things using S while in visual mode
  • Syntastic : static analysis when the files are saved
  • Tabular : align things
  • Tagbar : outline functions, methods, classes and such
  • Ultisnips : snippet library, includes goodies for Jekyll authoring and nspr developement
  • delimitMate.vim : auto insert pair charaters in a smart way
  • DoxygenToolkit.vim : :Dox while over a prototype inserts a Doxygen comment block
  • rst_table.vim : utility to ease authoring of table in reStructuredText
  • SearchComplete.vim : autocomplete the search
  • textformat.vim : justify text and more (,a[l|r|j|c], to align left, right, justified, center)