Odin Facebook

Student solution for the final rails project from www.theodinproject.com. Deployed at vast-forest-5750.herokuapp.com .

Requirements for this clone:

  • Use postgresql for development as well as deployment(complete)

  • Users must sign in to see anything but the signin page(complete)

  • Utilize the Devise gem for authentication(complete)

  • Users can send friend requests(complete)

  • User must accept friend request to become friends(complete)

  • Friend requests show up in notification section of a User’s nav bar(complete)

  • Users can create, like, and comment on posts(complete)

  • Posts should be displayed with the post content, author, comments, and likes(complete)

  • Treat the posts index page like the real Facebooks’s “Timeline” feature by showing recent posts from friends and the current user.(complete)

  • Users can create Profile with a Photo(Photo upload via Paperclip gem and Imagemajik)

  • User show page contains profile, photo, and posts(complete)

  • Users index page lists all users and buttons for sending Friend Requests to those who are not already friends or have a pending request(complete)

  • Sign in with the Omniauth Gem to allow login via Facebook.(complete)(pending app approval the signup is only for test users of the app.)

  • Set up mailer to send a welcome email when a new user signs up(Utilize LetterOpener Gem for development)(complete)

  • Deploy to Heroku( vast-forest-5750.herokuapp.com )

  • Use Heroku extension SendGrid to send emails from Heroku.(complete)