Instagram architecture

Use cases

  • [User] Fetch personal feed line
  • [User] Create/Update post (media: video/photo)
  • [User] Create comment to post
  • [User] Like/Remove like action

High level design

*All single boxes display abstraction of multiple services

Full schema

Design core components

Base client interface

Using CQRS pattern to optimize for better scaling

Client interface

Write components

  • Requests are redirecting to write API
  • Post creating/updating
    • Saving media metadata for post into database
    • Sending request to create post into queue
    • Post saving service should be configured to save batches of request from queues of posts to optimise slow writing
    • Also, posts could be saved into in memory database
  • Comments/likes case
    • Requests are redirecting into queues
    • Services responsive to save posted items should make it by batches to optimise slow writing
  • Also, all current write operations should trigger notification service

Write components

Read components

Main use case was the timeline (feed)

  • Requests are redirecting to read API
  • Timeline service - aggregate data from more detailed services
    • Feed service - cover logic of building feed based of user interest [User info service] and fetch specific information about post [Comment and Likes services]
    • Ads recommendation service - cover logic of building ads based of user information [User info service]

Read components


Slow saving

Current problem should be solved by queues and saving by batches of data, as far as I understand, perfectly it might cost constant write operation per time unit.

Slow reading

This problem it should be covered by memory cache storage that cost O(1) on read.