
A simple two player dice game made using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pig Dice Game

A simple two player dice game made using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript. Please click here to play the game, or click this button Run on Repl.it to open this app as a repl.

Made this game following an online course. Added additional functionality to click a button to display Rules of the Game & also, to click a button to change the Winning Score of the Game.

To know the complete development work-flow of the project, please click here. Otherwise, read a short summary of what I learned below.

Learned a lot of things while developing this project. Some of the skills I garnered while making this project are the following:

  • Basics of developing a game
    • Game Variables & States
    • Game Logic & Initialization Functions
  • DOM Access & Manipulation using JavaScript
    • Basic DOM Access to change the HTML content & their relevant styles
    • What events are and how to handle them
    • Creating elements and setting their attributes
    • Basic understanding of event delegation
  • Using third party apps like repl.it and codesandbox.io to deploy apps over the internet

Note: Some of the UI elements in the deployed version of the game may not work because the web browsers (chrome especially) don't let the third party websites load some of the scripts. The broswer deems them to be harmful scripts, but actually, they're not. Please enable third party scripts and reload the webapp to play the game with a proper UI. Or, simply download this repo as a zip, and open index.html to play the game in a desktop machine.