

Primary LanguagePython

FoC: Figure out the Cryptographic Functions in Stripped Binaries with LLMs

Environment Setup

pip install -r requirements.txt


We here provide the evaluation script and the x86_64 test data (test.json) for FoC-BinLLM in summarizing cryptographic binary functions.

Please downlaod our model from: google-drive link

Run the following cmd:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./evaluate_model.py --model_path ./FoC-BinLLM --data_file ./test.json --batch_size 16 --src_domain pcode --tgt_domain comment_and_name --max_tgt_len 256

The rouge score will be printed into the command, and if you want to calc other metrics, you can remove the annotation of L215-216 & L268-271 in the evaluate_model.py file, and make sure you have installed their dependence.


We provide the training script for FoC-BinLLM, you can use the following bash script to train the model:


The pre-processed dataset needed when training could be found in google-drive: link

Extract the data file and put them into the datasets/all-multitask directory before training.

The binaries (big volume) will be released soon ...


The second module of FoC could be found in the FoC-Sim directory.