
Sublime Text Color Scheme For Hackers Version 1.1 (Only For Hackers)

Charon Black Hackers (Version 1.1)

Project Programmer

Ch4120N - Ch4120Ni@Gmail.com

ِDefault Color Settings

Color Hex
Background #1B1E24 #1B1E24
Foreground #CAD9E3 #CAD9E3
Caret #F8F8F0 #F8F8F0
invisibles #3b3a32 #40484D
Line Highlight #40484D #40484D
Selection #DE333C #DE333C
Selection Foreground #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
Find Highlight #FFE792 #FFE792
Find Highlight Foreground #000000 #000000
Selection Border #222218 #222218
Active Guide #9D550fB0 #9D550FB0
Brackets Foreground #69ADB5 #69ADB5
Brackets Options underline underline
Bracket Contents Foreground #25808A #25808A
Bracket Contents Options underline underline
Tags Options stippled underline stippled underline


Go to Preferences > Browse Packages


Create a directory and place the Charon Black Hackers.tmTheme file in that directory.

After Create Directory Go To Sublime Text And Go To:

Preferences > Select Color Scheme > Choose Charon Black Hackers

And Enjoy