
A slider that has been written in pure ES5.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A slider that has been written in pure ES5.

First, you have to install node.js, npm, grunt and bower.

  • Node.js
  • Update npm with this command: [sudo] npm install npm -g (sudo is optional AND you don't use it on Windows!)
  • [*OPTIONAL] Install Grunt with this command: npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Install bower with this command: npm install -g bower
Now, when you have everything installed in a proper way you can install dependencies for this slider!
To do this just follow these steps:
  • Navigate to the folder using cd command, which is available both for Windows and for Linux.
  • Launch these commands: npm install, bower install to install all dependencies.

That's it! NPM and bower will install everything this slider needs to work! Isn't that beautiful?

*It's an optional step for developers. It will give you possibility to launch watch task for any .scss files change. Just navigate to root folder and launch grunt and it will be watching for these changes! Yes! That's as simple as that.

Slide animations are a future plan!