Interest Factor Project Just a simple project calculating various kind of interest factors for time value of money or cash flow analysis projects.
- All money coming in are made in the beginning of the compounding period.
- All money going out are calculated as being made at the end of the period.
Files : the file contains all the interest factors : the file used to test the interest factor calculations : this file
Variable dictionary: P: present value F: future value A: annuity G: gradient (0 at the beginning of the first period) i: interest rate per compounding period (in %) n: number of compounding period
Interest factors A) Discrete compounding, Discrete Payments
- [F/P, i, n] : Future given Present Factor F = P * iFactors.fpd(i,n)
- [P/F, i, n] : Present given Future Factor P = F * iFactors.pfd(i,n)
- [F/A, i, n] : Future given Annuity Factor F = A * iFactors.fad(i,n)
- [P/A, i, n] : Present given Annuity Factor P = A * iFactors.pad(i,n)
- [A/F, i, n] : Annity given Future Factor A = F * iFactors.afd(i,n)
- [A/P, i, n] : Annuity given Present Factor A = P * iFactors.apd(i,n)
- [P/G, i, n] : Present given Gradient Factor P = G * iFactors.pgd(i,n)
- [A/G, i, n] : Annuity given Gradient Factor A = G * iFactors.agd(i,n)
B) Continuous compounding, Discrete Payments
- [F/P, i, n] : Future given Present Factor F = P * iFactors.fpc(i,n)
- [P/F, i, n] : Present given Future Factor P = F * iFactors.pfc(i,n)
- [F/A, i, n] : Future given Annuity Factor F = A * iFactors.fac(i,n)
- [A/F, i, n] : Annity given Future Factor A = F * iFactors.afc(i,n)
- [P/A, i, n] : Annuity given Present Factor A = P * iFactors.apc(i,n)
- [A/P, i, n] : Annuity given Present Factor A = P * iFactors.apc(i,n)
- [A/G, i, n] : Annuity given Gradient Factor A = G * iFactors.agc(i,n)