
A micro-service infrastructure generator based on Yeoman/Chatbot, Kubernetes/Docker Swarm, Traefik, Ansible, Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, Kafka, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Mitosis - Microservices infrastructure generator

This repo is severely outdated!

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A microservices infrastructure yeoman generator. Mitosis is inspired from solutions like AWS Cloudformation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager.

It allows developers to load, organize, execute, evolve, administrate and stop microservices using few mitosis commands lines.

And It takes advantage of the following solutions/technologies (alpha):

  • Vagrant development mode
  • Ansible provisionning
  • Kubernetes/docker swarm orchestrate and replicate docker containers
  • ELK Stack log analytics
  • Traefik HTTP reverse proxy
  • Jenkins 2 CI/CD of microservices using Job DSL and Pipeline Job
  • Aritfactory artefacts deployment
  • Sonarqube quality

To prove it efficiency, mitosis generates 2 default microservices, connected to an event's bus using kafka

1 consumer NodeJS & 1 consumer Apache Spark & 1 producer Java


You need the following installed to use this generator.

  • NodeJS, Node 6 or higher, together with NPM 3 or higher.
  • VirtualBox (optional), tested with Version 5.1.14 r112924.
  • Vagrant (optional), version 1.9.1 or better. Earlier versions of vagrant may not work. with the Vagrant Ubuntu 16.04 box and network configuration.
  • Ansible (optional), tested with Version 2.2.0.
  • Docker registry (optional), at least a docker hub account.
  • Internet access, this generator pulls Vagrant boxes from the Internet as well as installs Ubuntu application packages from the Internet.

Getting started

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-mitosis
yo mitosis

The code generated contains a Vagrantfile and associated Ansible playbook scripts to provisioning a nodes Kubernetes/Docker Swarm cluster using VirtualBox and Ubuntu 16.04 (CentOS7 & CoreOS soon).

Vagrant will start two machines. Each machine will have a NAT-ed network interface, through which it can access the Internet, and a private-network interface in the subnet The private network is used for intra-cluster communication.

The machines created are:

appname-manager1 Cluster Manager
appname-worker1 Node Worker
appname-workern Node Worker

After the vagrant up is complete, the following command and output should be visible on the cluster manager (appname-manager1).

For Docker-swarm

vagrant ssh appname-manager1
docker service ls 
ID            NAME            REPLICAS  IMAGE                COMMAND
654jtwzg8n8k  jenkins        replicated  2/2       mitosis/jenkins:1.0.0-alpha.0
7xrhx2d74b3l  sonarqube      replicated  2/2       mitosis/sonarqube:1.0.0-alpha.0
9y8ycnri8e3s  kibana         replicated  1/1       kibana:5.2.0
m4n86is529p0  viz            replicated  1/1       manomarks/visualizer:latest
n49nex6feeh8  artifactory    replicated  2/2       mitosis/artifactory:1.0.0-alpha.0
ncccc0wi7j2l  registry       global      2/2       registry:2
p7znkv9p41sx  portainer      replicated  1/1       portainer/portainer:1.11.3
r8dznb7p4dpj  logstash       replicated  1/1       logstash:5.2.0
vxlnldtnrdlh  traefik        replicated  1/1       traefik:v1.1.2
wmgihhys4z9j  elasticsearch  replicated  1/1       elasticsearch:5.2.0
docker service inspect --pretty artifactory 
ID:		3ou58zc7xlrwwegyh40xxcuq0
Name:		artifactory
Mode:		Replicated
 Replicas:	2
 Parallelism:	1
 On failure:	pause
 Image:		mitosis/artifactory:1.0.0-alpha.0
Networks: atqmyyz6jctr34t64o69tyolu
 Protocol = tcp
 TargetPort = 8080
 PublishedPort = 9999

For Kubernetes

vagrant ssh appname-manager1
kubectl -n appname get service 
NAME             CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
artifactory   <nodes>       9999:30003/TCP   35m
jenkins    <nodes>       8082:30001/TCP   35m
sonarqube    <nodes>       9000:30002/TCP   35m
traefik     <nodes>       8080:30004/TCP   35m
kubectl describe svc artifactory -n appname 
Name:                   artifactory
Namespace:              appname
Labels:                 name=artifactory
Selector:               name=artifactory
Type:                   NodePort
Port:                   <unset> 8080/TCP
NodePort:               <unset> 9999/TCP
Endpoints:              <none>
Session Affinity:       None

Switch to another orchestrator

vagrant destroy -f && vagrant --caas-mode=swarm up // or vagrant --caas-mode=k8s up

Availables soon

Expected for the beta version :

  • Provisioning of a single server (Docker-compose/MiniKube)
  • Deployment on AWS, GCE, OpenStack, CloudStack, etc.
  • Registering/unregistering of micro services mi create/delete my_microservice.yml
  • Add security (SSL/TLS, SELinux, etc.)
  • UI Responsiveness Monitoring
  • Serverless infrastructure (sub project : serverless-playground).
  • Big Data infrastructure (sub project : bigdata-playground).
  • Add new default microservices : Rocket (Rust), Iris (Go), Django (Python), iOT (Akka Actors)
  • Add new solutions like : Rancher, Chef, Puppet, Terraform, HAProxy, etc.

Follow the development

You can follow the development of Mitosis via the public Mitosis board on Trello


Pull requests are welcome;


Mitosis generator is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.