
Improved window for your professions for World of Warcraft Vanilla

Primary LanguageLua

Advanced Trade Skill Window 2

Improved window for your professions for World of Warcraft vanilla

version 2.1.3


This project is suspended for indefinite time period.

Reason: I quit playing WoW. I killed so many mobs with stupidest AI in the world. The amount of reagents on my hands is unbearable.


Advanced Trade Skill Window 2 is a replacement for the standard tradeskill window.

Most buttons in ATSW are self-explaining.



Selected recipe can be placed into the task list for later craft by clicking on the "Task" button.

Task progress timer

Progress face

Task progress timer represent overall completion of a task. When you start crafting, the progress timer will appear under the task.

Search commands

Search commands face

ATSW has a search function built-in. If you type some text into the search box then ATSW will filter the recipe list according to your entry or the following parameters: :reagent, :level, :quality, :possible, :possibletotal. You can even combine multiple parameters and a text for a name search, like this: "leather :level 20+ :quality uncommon+" - show recipes with the word "leather" in their name, a minimum level requirement of 20 and a minimum quality of "green".

Necessary reagents list

Necessaries face

The "Reagents" button will show you a list of reagents required to craft items in the task list, amount of the reagents you have in your inventory, in your bank, on alternative characters on the same server and if a reagent can be bought from a merchant. By hovering a cursor over the reagent count on alternative characters, you get a list of all alts currently possessing the reagent.

ATSW can also automatically buy necessary items from a merchant when speaking to him - either manually by clicking a button in the reagents window or automatically when opening the merchant window.

Auction shopping list

Shopping list face

Auction shopping list appear under the auction window when it is opened. It shows reagents that are necessary to craft the items in the task list. ATSW is compatible with aux.

Custom categories

Custom face

You can create categories and put recipes into them.


By clicking on an item with chat line opened and Shift key pressed ATSW will add a list of the reagents necessary to create a single item into the chat window. ATSW is compatible with WIM.

Key bind

Key bind

A key can be assigned to call ATSW.


Config face

ATSW can be configured via built-in options menu. The menu can be shown by entering chat command /atsw config.


Supported languages: English, Русский, Español, Français, Deutsch


  1. Download the following archive: AdvancedTradeSkillWindow2.rar

  2. Extract the folder AdvancedTradeSkillWindow2 from the archive and place it into the folder World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons.


Original idea:

Rene Schneider (Slarti on EU-Blackhand) in 2006

Fixes prior to version 2.0.0:

LaYt in 2017

Blizzard Interface source code:


API Documentation:


Thank you

Bug reporting and suggestions: MasterBruin, shikulja, TerrorBlades, flyinbed, asfddhdjkdghkghhgdsfn.

翻译成中文: flyinbed