Replication of Owyang, Piger and Wall (2013) ############################################

  • Python implementation
  • MATLAB implementation
  • Fortran implementation
  • Gauss implementation
Computer OS Software BLAS Minutes Seconds Total Seconds Relative
ACISS (12 Cores) Red Hat Fortran MKL 2 16 136 1.13
ACISS (12 Cores) Red Hat MATLAB MKL 3 25 205 1.71
ACISS (12 Cores) Red Hat Python+Cython MKL 3 15 195 1.63
Desktop Windows MATLAB MKL 2 45 165 1.38
Desktop Windows Python+Cython MKL 3 10 190 1.58
Desktop Ubuntu Fortran MKL 2 0 120 1.00
Desktop Ubuntu Python+Cython OpenBLAS 3 0 180 1.50
Desktop Ubuntu Fortran OpenBLAS 2 50 170 1.42
Desktop Ubuntu Fortran OpenBLAS / ATLAS LAPACK 6 30 390 3.25
Desktop Ubuntu Fortran ATLAS 7 20 440 3.67
Laptop Mac OS X MATLAB MKL 4 30 270 2.25
Laptop Mac OS X Python+Cython Apple 6 0 360 3.00
Laptop Mac OS X Fortran Apple 5 0 300 2.50
Laptop Mac OS X Fortran MKL 4 0 240 2.00
Laptop Mac OS X Fortran OpenBLAS 6 30 390 3.25
Minimum 120